Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's Been a While

No Turning Back...three sweet words that I won't to ring true in my heart.  I have many desires and longs in my heart, but only One can quench these desires, Jesus Christ.  Spring Break was a nice break from daily schedule and rest was much needed and appreciated.  I got to catch up with family and some dear friends.  I had the chance to experinece my first Gaither Concert, thanks to a precious, sweet, and dear friend.  

Graduation is quickly approaching and some decisions have to be made.  Where am I going to live?  Am I going to stay in Fort Worth or am I going to move closer to home?  Africa...what, when, how long?  As I pray and think about these decisions, I can rest that the Lord has all the answers and in seeking out the answers, I am growing closer to Him...i.e. His plan all along. 

 I was hit with the hard reality this morning that nothing in me, that is my flesh, loves the Lord.  While this is hard for me to swallow, I can rest that even though I don't love Him, He still loves me and gives me His Spirit to love Him back!  Oh how I treasure the Holy Spirit.  I am not my own, I am God's.  I will go wherever He leads, leaving all behind; no turing back.